As discussed in
detail in my last couple of posts, I believe controlled experiments
have cast doubt on Wisconsin's pattern jury instruction on reasonable
doubt, specifically that the instruction does not afford those
charged with a crime the protection against wrongful convictions
required by the United States Constitution. The results of those
experiments are corroborated by observations that the admonition “not
to search for doubt” has been used by prosecutors at trial to
undermine the beyond the reasonable doubt burden of proof.i
The question now
is how the legal system will respond. So far the only authority
addressing the two Cicchini and White studies has been the Wisconsin
Criminal Jury Instruction Committee, which has (apparently not
unanimously) rejected the science and maintained the status quo. My
musings on the topic have also been summarily rejected by some (but
not all) on that committee. I have had my doubts that many of those
trained in the law, especially many judges, would be able to
transition between an authority based system of knowledge and a
science based system. (See
One of the
eminent thinkers on the philosophy of science, Karl Popper, discussed
the epistemic differences between authority and science. He called
them epistemological traditionalism and rationalism respectively.ii
Popper wrote:
“For we can interpret traditionalism as the belief that, in the
absence of an objective and discernible truth, we are faced with the
choice between accepting the authority of tradition, and chaos; while
rationalism has, of course, always claimed the right of reason and of
empirical science to criticize, and to reject, any tradition, and any
authority, as being based on sheer unreason or prejudice or
accident.” iii(Popper
was also the person who originated the idea, familiar to most
scientists, of “falsifiability” being the principal demarcating
science from other endeavors. The Cicchini and White study was an
example of research that meets this criterion.)
To maybe better
understand the initial response to the empirical research and my
article regarding the criminal burden of proof, I believe the
insights of another preeminent philosopher of science may be helpful.
Thomas S. Kuhn discussed how science changes through revolutionary
changes in paradigms. He argues that the competing paradigms are
“incommensurable” in that “the proponents of competing
paradigms practice their trades in different worlds....Practicing in
different worlds, the two groups of scientists see different things
when they look from the same point in the same direction. Again, that
is not to say that they can see anything they please. Both are
looking at the world, and what they look at has not changed. But in
some areas they see different things, and they see them in different
relations to one another. That is why a law that cannot even be
demonstrated to one group of scientists may occasionally seem
intuitively obvious to another.”iv
A different
scientific paradigm influences one's understanding of what one
perceives. A fortiori, a different epistemic paradigm, such as
between authority and science, will shape one's response to
Under a science
paradigm, potential evidence should be examined and explicitly
critiqued. Challenges to the evidence is part of the scientific
process and is encouraged. Scientific conclusions are always only
tentative, and valid only until further studies undermine them.
Under an
authority paradigm, the defining feature is obedience to the
authority. An authoritative pronouncement is considered correct and
final. Evidence to the contrary is irrelevant and not of interest.
Questioning an authoritarian decision is considered defiance.
Back in 1897,
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. wrote: “For the rational study of law the
blackletter man may be the man of the present, but the man of the
future is the man of statistics and the master of economics." v
I believe Justice Holmes overstated the case for statistics and
economics in the law. Regardless, the future is not yet here,
although some in the legal profession are allowing decisions to be
informed by statistical evidence in what is now called
“evidence-based” practices.
As a judge, I
fully understand that legal decisions are, and must be, mostly about knowledge from authority to differentiate them from ad hoc decision making. I must obey
binding authority: the statutes and constitutions, and the rulings
from the Wisconsin Court of Appeals, the Wisconsin Supreme Court, and
the United States Supreme Court. None of these authorities mandate the use of
the objected to language in the jury instruction. Ultimately, the decision to modify the pattern jury instruction involves a choice between two authorities--the United States Constitution and its interpretation by the United States Supreme Court, and the Wisconsin pattern jury instruction. In the end, I follow authority.
I also believe that science can inform some legal decisions, and whether or not the current Wisconsin criminal burden of proof jury instruction clearly conveys to jurors their duties related to reasonable doubt is one of them.
I also believe that science can inform some legal decisions, and whether or not the current Wisconsin criminal burden of proof jury instruction clearly conveys to jurors their duties related to reasonable doubt is one of them.
of the tenets of the field of linguistics called Pragmatics is one
can devine the meaning of a phrase from the context in which it is
Karl R., On the Sources of Knowledge and of Ignorance,
Encounter, September 1962, pp. 42-57
Thomas S., The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 4th
Ed., University of Chicago Press 1962, 2012., p. 149.
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